Proposed changes to the junction of Cromwell Road with Gloucester Road
TfL Overview
We are proposing to make improvements to pedestrian and cycling facilities around the junction of A4 Cromwell Road and Gloucester Road.
The junction has been the site of an above average number of collisions in recent years, many of which involved pedestrians. Cromwell Road is both an important arterial road for vehicles entering or leaving west London, and also the location of several popular tourist attractions, attracting thousands of pedestrian visitors each day. In response to the high collision rate, we have worked with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to develop two options that would provide safer crossing facilities at the junction as well as improvements for cyclists. Both options are included in this consultation.
The proposals form part of our programme to enhance safety for vulnerable road users on the Transport for London Road Network.
What are we proposing?
We have identified two options for this junction.
The main difference between the two options is the type of pedestrian crossing on the eastern arm of Cromwell Road, closest to the Natural History Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum.
Option 1 would include a new signal-controlled ‘staggered’ two-stage crossing of the road, in which pedestrians would move to a traffic island in the centre of the road and then wait for a green light before passing to the opposite side. This approach would allow us to retain the current left turn for all traffic from the northern arm of Gloucester Road onto the eastbound Cromwell Road.
These are the design features that are specific to option 1:
‘Staggered’ (two stage) signal-controlled crossing on the eastern arm of Cromwell Road, to provide pedestrians with a dedicated time to cross the road in two stages using a central island
Dedicated left turn lane on the western arm of Cromwell Road as the exit is reduced to two lanes, due to the widened central island needed to accommodate the staggered crossing
Option 2 would provide a ‘straight across’ signal-controlled crossing of Cromwell Road in which the green light for pedestrians would enable them to cross in one movement, rather than waiting on a central island for a second green light. This would in most instances be a faster crossing for pedestrians compared to option 1, but would require the left turn from Gloucester Road to be banned for all vehicles in order to minimise additional waiting time for other road users. Our traffic count surveys show a peak hour average of 65 vehicles completing the left turn from Gloucester Road to Cromwell Road. These vehicles would need to use alternative routes.
These are the design features that are specific to option 2:
Straight across controlled crossing on the eastern arm of Cromwell Road, to provide pedestrians with a dedicated time to cross the road
Banned left turn from Gloucester Road to enable the proposed straight across crossing to operate on Cromwell Road without unduly increasing waiting times for other road users
Re-align yellow box markings in the centre of the junction, to ensure the eastern side of the box is aligned with the layout of the proposed crossing on Cromwell Road
Both options share many of the same features, such as pedestrian countdown features on the crossing of Cromwell Road, new advanced stop lines (ASLs) for cyclists and a new pedestrian refuge island on the northern arm.
These are the features that would be included in both options:
Part width 5 metre deep cycle advance stop line (ASL) on the eastern arm of Cromwell Road to give cyclists a waiting area ahead of the general traffic queue, helping to improve their visibility and avoid conflict with left turning vehicles
Widening of existing crossing area on the southern arm and left-turn slip road of Gloucester Road, to provide more space for pedestrians crossing the road
Re-alignment of existing crossing on the western arm of Cromwell Road to better reflect the way pedestrians choose to cross
Part width 5 metre deep cycle ASL on the western arm of Cromwell Road to give cyclists a waiting area ahead of the general traffic queue, helping to improve their visibility and avoid conflict with left turning vehicles
Kerb re-alignment on the western corner of the northern arm of Gloucester Road, to provide space for the new central island
Pedestrian refuge island on the northern arm of Gloucester Road, to give pedestrians a protected place to wait when crossing
Loading bay on northern arm of Gloucester Road moved slightly north, to provide space for the new central island and ensure vehicles can turn left from Cromwell Road. There would be no overall reduction in parking space
Reduction of southbound lanes from two to one on the northern arm of Gloucester Road to provide space for a central pedestrian refuge island
5 metre deep cycle ASL on the northern arm of Gloucester Road to give cyclists a waiting area ahead of the general traffic queue, helping to improve their visibility. With option 1, this has the additional benefit of reducing conflict between cyclists and left turning vehicles.