Proposed changes to the junction Kensington High Street with Warwick Gardens and Warwick Road

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Added by Simon Munk

TfL Overview
We are proposing to make improvements to pedestrian and cycling facilities around the junctions of Addison Road and Warwick Road with Kensington High Street.
The location has been the site of an above average number of collisions in recent years, many of which involved vulnerable road users. Both junctions are used by high volumes of commuter traffic in west London, as well as by pedestrian visitors to local amenities such as Kensington Olympia Conference Centre. In response to the high collision rate we have worked with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to develop a set of proposals that would provide safer crossing facilities at both junctions as well as improvements for cyclists.
The proposals form part of our programme to enhance safety for vulnerable road users on the Transport for London Road Network.

What are we proposing?
We are proposing new features at both of these junctions, including new signal-controlled pedestrian crossings and new advanced stop lines (ASLs) for cyclists.
The following is a list of each of the proposed features. The order corresponds to the numbers shown on the map.
1 Controlled, staggered pedestrian crossing at the junction of Warwick Road with Kensington High Street, to provide pedestrians with a dedicated time to cross the road in two stages using the central island
2 Move bus stop on eastbound Kensington High Street away from the junction exit to allow cyclists better access across the junction
3 Changes to bay on eastbound Kensington High Street to accommodate the moved bus stop and improve traffic flow. The bay would be moved slightly east and reduced from 15.3 metres to 10 metres in length to accommodate the moved bus stop. Operating times would be restricted to 10am-4pm Monday to Sunday. Max loading time would remain at 20mins
4 New 5m cycle advanced stop lines (ASLs) on Kensington High Street eastbound and Addison Road southbound to provide cyclists with a waiting area ahead of the general traffic queue
5 New signal-controlled ‘staggered’ pedestrian crossing at the junction of Addison Road with Kensington High Street to provide pedestrians with a dedicated time to cross the road in two stages using the central island
6 Provide short section of bus lane and re-align road markings on westbound Kensington High Street to provide two full lanes past the bus stop. Hours of operation for bus lane would be Monday-Sunday 7am-7pm
7 Resurface a section of carriageway on Kensington High Street to prevent water from collecting on the footway and carriageway
8 New 5m ASL on the westbound approach to the junction to provide cyclists with a waiting area ahead of the general traffic queue
9 New 5m ASL with central lead in lane on Warwick Road to help cyclists to travel ahead without conflict with left turning traffic
10 Remove traffic island on Warwick Road to enable a safer movement for cyclists and other road users
11 Re-align existing island on western arm of the junction to provide better access for left turning vehicles from Warwick Road
12 Widen current 1m cycle lane to 1.5m on the eastbound approach to provide more space for cyclists
13 Re-level footway on eastern arm of Holland Road to reduce the steep gradient


March 18th, 2016 17:00


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