Quietway Consultation in Bromley No2
The London Borough of Bromley, working with Transport for London, is proposing to
make a number of improvements between Lower Sydenham and Kent House to
contribute to the development of a Quietway cycle route between Greenwich and
Kent House.
Quietways are walking and cycling routes primarily on lightly trafficked back streets,
through parks and alongside waterways providing quieter routes away from main
roads designed to appeal, particularly, to new and inexperienced cyclists. They will
provide safe and attractive links to shops, stations, schools, workplaces and
destinations throughout London.
This particular route is from Greenwich to Kent House station and is an upgrade of
the existing National Cycle Network Route 21. The route will form part of the London
wide network of Quietways and Superhighways being developed jointly by London
Boroughs and Transport for London
Bridge Road
At present The National Cycle Network Route 21 runs along Kangley Bridge Road,
however, due to the number of HGVs this can be an intimidating road for cyclists so
whilst already popular is likely to discourage significant increases in cycling. This
new route will upgrade the existing facilities for walking and cycling by providing a
shared path along the eastern side of the road achieved by widening the footway to
approximately 3.5m. Removing cyclists from the road will reduce the chance of
conflict between vehicles and cyclists.
The project will also seek to make Kangley Bridge Road a more attractive place to
use and work in as a result of new tree planting and formalised parking, the details of
which we are keen to establish in dialogue with stakeholders.
River Pool Path
It is proposed to widen River Pool Path between Lennard Road and the sharp 90
degree bend along the path, to make a better quality shared route for pedestrians
and cyclists. The wider path will enable the marking that currently segregates
pedestrians and cyclists to be removed as research shows fully shared paths to be
safer than segregated facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. These
improvements will be accompanied by clear new signage denoting the shared
designation of the path.
Lennard Road
It is proposed to replace the existing informal pedestrian crossing between River
Pool Path and Cator Park across Lennard Road with a new parallel zebra crossing.
This will enable pedestrians and cyclists to safely cross Lennard Road, improve the
link between River Pool Path and Cator Park and, thereby, improve the continuity of
the Quietway route by reducing the severance caused by the road.
Cator Park
The route uses the existing cycle path through Cator Park to provide cyclists with a
safe off-road route that will be more attractive than cycling on the road. To ensure
the route is safe and secure for use in the evenings, especially during the winter
months it is proposed to introduce solar powered wayfinding lighting along the
section of path. The lighting will be unobtrusive and have a minimal environmental
Aldersmead Road
At the junction of Ringwold Close with Aldersmead Road, it is proposed to introduce
an informal pedestrian crossing to improve access to Cator Park including improving
visibility for those exiting Cator Park on foot or by bicycle
Kings Hall Road
At the junction of Kings Hall Road with Aldersmead Road it is proposed to replace
the existing refuge islands with new ones positioned in slightly revised locations to
make it easier for pedestrians to cross Kings Hall Road. The road markings will also
be revised to enable cyclists to safely turn from Aldersmead Road to Kings Hall
Kent House Station
It is proposed to widen a small section of the footway outside the station entrance, in
order to provide safe and convenient access to the station for cyclists using this
route and will provide an easy connection to the existing London Cycle Network
route which continues to Croydon from Kent House Station. It is also proposed to
improve the public realm at the station entrance with the introduction of trees and
Funding is also being sought to improve the quality and quantity of the cycle parking
provision at the station. This is currently very well utilised and demand for it is
expected to increase once the Quietway cycle route to the station has been