RBKC - Kensington & Chelsea borough-wide commonplace consultation for LIP
What would you like to see improved in your local area?
In the coming months, we will be putting together our Local Implementation Plan for the Royal Borough – the document that will form our transport and highways delivery plan for the next three years. It will show how we plan to deliver the Mayor of London’s transport strategy – especially its idea of “healthy streets”, with better air quality and more people walking and cycling.
Adding your voice to our Commonplace consultation will help guide our aspirations and deliver improvements to your neighbourhood.
What are we doing already?
We are determined to continue to make the Royal Borough a brilliant place to live and work. In particular, we want to tackle the serious health problems caused by physical inactivity and air pollution, as well as improving the efficiency of our transport system as it faces the challenge of an ever-growing city. We are providing new cycle routes, improving pedestrian crossings, reducing traffic speeds, improving public places, and introducing more charging points for electric cars.
Commonplace Consultation
Share your ideas for changes – big and small – that would help more people to walk and cycle, improve conditions for bus passengers, make our roads safer and reduce pollution. Use our Commonplace consultation to drop a pin and tell us what your like or dislike about a street or place near you! You can also “like” comments made by other people. Spread the word – we want to hear from as many people as possible who live, work, or just travel through Kensington and Chelsea.
The deadline to comment on the Local Implementation Plan is Friday 7 September.