Pears Road, Hounslow

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Added by Hounslow Cycling Campaign

LBH says:

As part of the redevelopment of Hounslow Town Primary School, we are proposing public realm improvements on Pears Road. We would like to get your views on a number of proposals, including:

  • Permanently closing the emergency access outside the school on Pears Road by constructing a raised shared pedestrian and cycle area 
  • Installing dropped kerbs and bollards at both ends of the new raised area to provide cycle access and prevent vehicle access
  • Implementing “School Keep Clear” markings and parking restrictions at the school entrance at the western end of the closure to prevent obstructive parking.
  • Re-paving some sections of footway and removing pedestrian guardrail to reduce clutter and improve the public realm
  • Installing cycle stands to provide parking for cyclists


June 24th, 2019 17:00


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