Consultation - Two way cycling on Twilley and Furmage Streets

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Added by Anon

Wandsworth Council has opened a consultation on two-way cycling on Furmage Street and part of Twilley Street between Garratt Lane and Kimber Road in Wandsworth.  This would allow cyclists to avaoid having to make the tricky and dangerous right turn at the end of Kimber Road.   Wandsworth Cycling Campaign has been asking for this for several years.  The scheme is now being built under an Experimental Traffic order and includes physical measures using islands and armadillos to protect cyclists and direct and slow the motorists who rat-run through these small streets.  Please use this facility if it's on your route and feed back your comments to the consultation.  At the end of the experiential period in October the comments will decide whether the scheme should be made permanent or not.  Use the consultation to let them know if you appreciate it.  Let the Council and know of any problems or improvements you'd like.

The link to the consultation which includes a plan of the changes is:


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