
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Richmond Cycling Campaign:

  • London Assembly Transport Committee Bus network design, safety

    London Assembly said:
    "Buses are the busiest form of public transport in London. The city has 675 bus routes, with around 9,000 buses in operation and over 19,000 bus stops. Approximately 2.5 billion bus passenger trips are made every year, around double the number made on London Underground.
    "TfL commissions private operators to run bus services in London, awarding seven-year contracts to operate bus routes. Although bus safety (in terms of casualty numbers) has improved over recent years, there was a spike in bus collision fatalities in 2015.
    "The London Assembly Transport Committee is investigating two aspects of bus services in London: Network Design and Safety."

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  • Quietway 1: Ham - Teddington

    Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads

    Richmond council says:

    The previous Mayor of London’s Vision for Cycling (2013), a 10-year plan to deliver cycling improvements across London with spending set to total £913m by 2022, announced that a cross-London network of high-quality guided cycle routes would be implemented. This was two-fold; high capacity Superhighways, mostly on main roads, for fast commuters, and slightly slower Quietways on low-traffic side streets, for those wanting a more relaxed journey, providing two clearly branded routes, together composing the ‘Central London Grid’.

    Unlike the previous London Cycle Network, Quietways will be direct, better-surfaced and clearly signposted. The Quietway network will also include new off-road greenway routes through parks and along waterways, to be used for recreation and by families. Richmond’s natural assets particularly align to this purpose. Quietways aim to change the nature of cycling. Therefore, the routes will be pleasant and interesting to cycle on, showcasing hidden corners of London. Borough police resources, local community safety budgets and TfL-funded Safer Transport Command officers, lighting, CCTV coverage and patrols will ensure people feel safe using Quietways at night. Thus, it is hoped that Quietways will attract new types of cyclists and beginner cyclists. Quietways are also designed to benefit pedestrians and other road users.

    The first Quietway route, from Waterloo to Greenwich, launched in June 2016 and seven Quietways are due to be completed by 2017. Richmond is proposing initially to introduce two new Quietways. TfL has agreed to fund Quietways 1 and 2 as part of ‘Phase 2’ of the Quietway programme. This consultation introduces Quietway 1, which will run between Ham and Teddington. The route comes from the neighboring borough of Wandsworth, beginning here at Richmond Park’s Ham Gate, and finishing by Bushy Park, crossing the river at Teddington Lock.

    Community consultation and engagement events took place in July of this year where the proposed route was introduced. Having taken on board the feedback from the initial engagement, this new consultation seeks to present the updated proposals for Quietway 1. We welcome views from Richmond’s residents, businesses, stakeholders and visitors on the proposals.

    This consultation is presented in conjunction with Richmond’s Cycling Strategy, currently also under consultation; the Quietways will help to realise Strategy Objective A. There will also be joint consultation events where there will be the opportunity to give feedback.

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  • Kingston's "Direction of Travel" Consultation

    Created by Jon Fray // 1 thread

    Kingston Council is consulting on its "Direction of Travel" document. The document "...provides supplementary planning advice to the London Plan policies to support the development and intensification of areas within the borough to provide new homes, jobs and investment".

    It "forms part of the work undertaken by the Mayor and Kingston Council in identifying and assessing opportunities for growth in the borough for the new Local Plan and Opportunity Area Planning Framework".

    The issue is raised here so that Kingston Cycling Campaign can respond to the 'Direction of Travel' document.

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  • Quietway 1 Proposal

    Created by timlennon // 2 threads

    Quietway 1 proposal (Teddington to Wandsworth Common)
    The attached image is the initial council drawing and is indicative.

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  • Ranelagh Drive - Isleworth Prom Blocked Crossover

    Created by Paul L // 1 thread

    In order to get from Ranelagh Drive to the shared use Isleworth Prom you need to cross the footway. A dropped kerb has been provided but this is unmarked and is usually obstructed by parked vehicles. At a similar location in LB Hounslow the crossover is marked by bollards in the road encouraging motorists to leave a gap here and the same procedure could and should be used.

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  • Outside Barmy Arms

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    The road outside the Barmy Arms pub, Twickenham Embankment, used to be closed to motor traffic by a single line of posts with cycle logos painted on the road between two of these, clearly showing there is a cycle route there.
    Recently this has been replaced with two lines of posts about 3m apart and there are no cycle route markers. This is leading pedestrians to reasonably assume that the area between the posts is for pedestrians only and to stand there in groups with drinks from the pub, creating conflicts with cyclists trying to ride through the area. The existence of the cycle route should once again be indicated by signs or painted cycle symbols.

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  • Twickenham Embankment 2-way

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    The Embankment, Twickenham is a two-way street. Many driver sseem to think it is one-way Westbound. Even the Cyclescape map wrongly marks it as one-way! It needs signage clarifying it is two-way, to avoid motorists being obstructive or abusive to cyclists lawfully riding Eastward along it.

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  • Bell Lane 2-way

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    Bell Lane is two-way. Most drivers using it go Northward and many seem to think it is one-way that way. It needs signage clarifying it is two-way, to avoid motorists being obstructive or abusive to cyclists lawfully riding South along it.

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  • Cricket Ln 2-way

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    Cricket Lane is a dead end and therefore two-way. Since an exit from a car park was built leading into it, many drivers seem to think it is a one-way street from the car park. In fact it is used by cyclists going in both directions between High St and Bushy Park.
    It needs signs clarifying that it is two-way, as drivers are being obstructive or abusive to cyclists legitimately using it.

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  • Richmond Hill and Ormond Road - 2 way for cycling

    Created by Ross // 1 thread

    Richmond Hiil and Ormond Road provide direct routes into Richmond town centre. However they are one way and force cyclists to take detours to get into town. Making these roads 2 way for cycling with contraflow cycle lanes would improve movement for cycles and remove some conflict which exists where cyclists ride on the pavement.

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  • Eton Street, George Street and Paradise Road - Make 2 way for cycling

    Created by Ross // 1 thread

    Cycling around Richmond town centre is tortuous on a bicycle due to the one way system. To encourage even greater cycling journeys to Richmond town centre business the one way system should be redesigned to allow 2 way cycling for bicycles on Eton Street, Paradise Road and George Street. Ideally this should be achieved with segregated cycle contraflows

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  • One Way Streets - Make 2 way for Bicycles

    Created by Ross // 3 threads

    At the April '15 cycling liason group, Richmond Council asked members of the public to submit one way streets that would benefit from a treatment to make them 2 way for bicycles. When implemented correctly this can be a great way to facilitate bicycle journeys over other modes. The list that RCC are submitting is below, if you know of others post here and RCC will add them to the list.

    Somerton Avenue @ Clifford
    South Worple Way East End
    Richmond Hill
    Ormond Road
    Paradise Road
    George Street
    Eton Street
    Richmond Green
    Grove Road
    Park Road
    Glebe Way
    1st Cross Road
    Kew Station Approach
    Wiggins Lane Ham
    The Vineyard
    Cumberland Road
    Leybourne Park
    Priests Bridge

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  • Teddington Lock Bridge - End of Route ??

    Created by Paul L // 0 threads

    Richmond Council have installed a " End of Route" "Cyclists Dismount" sign

    This is highly misleading as NCR4 continues on the far side of the bridge.

    The London Cycle Design Standards have :

    A cycle route should never disappear abruptly

    ‘End’ signing and ‘Cyclists Dismount’ signs should not be used because they showthat consideration for cyclists has simply ended.

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  • South Worple Way - new banned left turn - needs "Except Cycles" exemption

    Created by Tom B // 1 thread

    Following a consultation ( ), Richmond Council has now put up 'No Left Turn' signs at the eastern end of South Worple Way, just before the junction with White Hart Lane, to try and prevent dangerous driving and motor vehicles blocking this very tight junction by trying to use it to get across the railway crossing.

    Cycles do not cause the same issues in relation to endangering pedestrians waiting on the very narrow pavements, or blocking the road (as cycles take up less room and, if it is necessary while waiting at the railway crossing, they can easily be moved aside by riders).

    North and South Worple ways are important through routes for cyclists as they allow people to avoid the much busier Mortlake High Street and Upper Richmond Road. However, motorists can use these routes for rat-running (and can do so aggressively, in my experience, particularly on North Worple Way), and therefore it is important to show that cyclists have equal if not greater priority on these quiet routes.

    It would be good to make it clear that the banned left turn from South Worple Way onto White Hart Lane is not intended to apply to cyclists by adding an "Except Cycles" sign to the new signage. This would help avoid any potential misunderstanding by (and consequent conflict with) drivers and other road users.

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  • Sheen Road _ Pedestrian Crossing Consultation

    Created by Ross // 2 threads

    Let's see what happens!

    Council Plans to change the Zebra crossing in this area. RCC responded to try to shape the plans to encourage more cycling and walking.
    Sheen Road Zebra Crossing Proposed Upgrade - Response from Richmond Cycling Campaign (RCC)

    RCC is in general supportive of improving crossings when the upgrades benefit both pedestrians and cyclists. This proposal unfortunately has not fully thought through the interaction of cyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles, unfortunately we cannot support it in its current form.

    RCC would recommend that the scheme is implemented with the changes outlined below. The recommended changes will ensure that vulnerable road users safety is prioritised and the comfort of the cycling and pedestrian experience is enhanced:

    The crossing should be raised to slow approaching vehicles. Vehicle speeds are too high in this area, particularly considering the proximity to a primary school.
    Removal of the central refuge to create a single stage crossing is to be applauded. This will remove a cycle pinch point and will correctly prioritise pedestrians over other road users.
    The new road space that is created by the removal of the central refuge should be used to extend the existing mandatory cycle lanes on each side of the carriageway. It is our understanding that the 2015 TSRGD (traffic signs regulations and general directions) will permit the extension of the cycle lanes over the crossing. The work should pay heed to this so that this can be incorporated when the new regulations go live.
    Keep the zebra crossing. RCC cannot support the removal of the zebra crossing at this location, changing to a traffic light controlled crossing, prioritises vehicular traffic over pedestrians and those on bicycles. It is RCC’s belief that concerns, from users, that vehicles are not stopping in a timely fashion at this location are due to excessive speeds rather than the style of crossing. As mentioned earlier lower speeds should be achieved through a raised crossing to make the zebra crossing more effective. An enhanced zebra crossing keeps priority with the most vulnerable road users.
    The proposal suggests widening the pavement to make the crossing shorter. This would only have a marginal impact on the time to cross. The pavements should not be widened since this will not permit a continuous cycle lane. It will force cyclists to pull in front of fast moving motor vehicles, creating a new pinch point and hazard for cyclists.
    The railings on either side of the road should be removed. TfL research has shown that these encourage high traffic speeds and do little to protect vulnerable road users.

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