Get Britain Cycling report Report for the All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group (APPCG) written by Phil Goodwin, 2...

Added by Martin Lucas-Smith

Get Britain Cycling report

Report for the All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group (APPCG) written by Phil Goodwin, 2013.

Summary and recommendations:

Full report:

== Recommendations

=== A new priority for investing public funds

- Create a cycling budget of at least £10 per person per year, increasing to £20

- Ensure local and national bodies, such as the Highways Agency, Department for Transport, and local government allocate funds to cycling of at least the local proportion of journeys done by bike.

- Cycle spending that makes a tangible contribution to other government departments, such as Health, Education, Sport and Business, should be funded from those budgets, not just the DfT.

=== Redesigning our roads, streets and communities

- A statutory requirement that cyclists’ and pedestrians’ needs are considered at an early stage of all new development schemes, including housing and business developments as well as traffic and transport schemes, including funding through the planning system

- Revise existing design guidance, to include more secure cycle parking, continental best practice for cycle-friendly planning and design, and an audit process to help planners, engineers and architects to think bike in all their work.

- The Highways Agency should draw up a programme to remove the barriers to cycle journeys parallel to or across trunk roads and motorway corridors, starting with the places where the potential for increased cycle use is greatest.

- Local authorities should seek to deliver cycle-friendly improvements across their existing roads, including small improvements, segregated routes, and road reallocation.

- The Department for Transport should approve and update necessary new regulations, such as allowing separate traffic lights for cyclists and implementing Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.

=== Safe driving and safe speed limits

- Extend 20 mph speed limits in towns, and consider 40mph limits on many rural lanes.

- Improve HGV safety by vehicle design, driver training, and mutual awareness with cyclists; promote rail freight and limit use of HGVs on the busiest urban streets at the busiest times, and use public sector projects to drive fleet improvements.

- Strengthen the enforcement of road traffic law, including speed limits, and ensuring that driving offences – especially those resulting in death or injury – are treated sufficiently seriously by police, prosecutors and judges.

=== Training and education

- Provide cycle training at all primary and secondary schools

- Offer widespread affordable (or free) cycle training and other programmes to encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to give cycling a try, as evidenced by NICE.

- Promote cycling as a safe and normal activity for people of all ages and backgrounds.

=== Political leadership

- The Government should produce a cross-departmental Cycling Action Plan, with annual progress reports.

- The Government should appoint a national Cycling Champion, an expert from outside the Department for Transport.

- The government should set national targets to increase cycle use from less than 2% of journeys in 2011, to 10% of all journeys in 2025, and 25% by 2050

- Central and local government and devolved authorities should each appoint a lead politician responsible for cycling.

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