Things tagged 'cycleroute'

limited to the area of Richmond Cycling Campaign:

2 issues found for 'cycleroute':

  • Quietway link needed

    Created by Paul L // 1 thread

    There is an existing cycleroute linking Stanley Rd and Fifth Cross Rd via a toucan. Putting a bidirectional cycle track adjacent to the footway on the E side of Hampton Rd would tie in Wellesey Rd with Strawberry Hill station and quiet routes to Twickenham.

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  • Burtons Road

    Created by Paul L // 0 threads

    Burtons road has been part of the borough cycle network usually acting as a quiet parallel to Queens Rd. Unfortunately growth of traffic has led to it being a rat-run at peak times despite numerous road humps. As parking leaves space for only one vehicle this makes it unpleasant to cycle.

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24 threads found for 'cycleroute':

One library item found for 'cycleroute':

No planning applications found for 'cycleroute'.

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