
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Richmond Cycling Campaign:

  • Roehampton Lane, Upper Richmond Road, Rocks Road junction

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Letter for TfL, copied to RCC, by local resident:

    I am a resident of the Dover House Estate area and regularly use the crossroads of the Upper Richmond Road (A206) with Roehampton Lane and Rocks Lane (A306) as pedestrian, cyclist and/or car driver. There are three major issues with this junction which need to be addressed.

    The first is the pedestrian crossings, which are poorly timed/synchronised and inadequate. There is a significant volume of pedestrian traffic to and from the station and bus stops and the university, yet to cross the road safely using the crossings can easily add 5 mins to the journey. This is mainly as there are push button crossings on only two of the four arms of the junction, a third having provision to cross which requires too much calculated risk (and insufficient island space considering the probability of standing in the middle for some time), and the fourth having no sensible provision at all. There is a high proportion of children using the crossing - with buggies, scooters, bikes, and on the south west corner insufficient pavement space for the volume of pedestrian traffic at peak times. The timing/synchronisation of the green men requires pedestrians to stand in the middle islands for an overly long period of time - during which time they cannot help but notice the very high level of exhaust fumes. Given that the only traffic flowing south along the A306 and allowed to turn right on to the A205 is buses and cycles, the extended wait for the green man in the middle of the A205 to head south seems unnecessary. Heading north there is a similarly unnecessary wait for the green man, as motorised traffic heading east along the A205 is also at a red light while that heading north on the A306 is on green.

    The second major problem is the filter lane for motorists turning right off the A205 into the A306 to head north. This only operates at peak times, leaving motorists with a choice between being stuck in the middle waiting for a second round of lights or skipping through an amber or red light (frequently even though they were first in the queue). There is simply too much traffic heading east to not have the filter light operating for a greater part of the day. Even when the filter light is in operation it is for such an insufficiently short period that unless you are among the first three cars you are almost certainly going to wait for at least two rounds of lights - at peak times I have waited for the fifth round of lights. This in turn causes a tail back and high levels of air pollution.

    The third major problem is the lack of cycle ways. There is a large number of cyclists on both these major roads but for something like a 500m radius around this junction there is no cycle way despite it bring both possible and dangerous without. The temporary narrowing of Barnes Station bridge only exacerbates the situation and since being put there some years ago seems to have been forgotten. This area is a real hole in the cycle way network and a blackspot considering the attractive options in every direction coming into/out of it.

    The junction is an accident just waiting to happen on many levels. I would be grateful if you could me a detailed response to each of the points I raise with where at all possible a timetable for when they can each be expected to be resolved.

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  • Percival Road/Well Lane

    Created by Ross // 9 threads

    Well lane has been blocked to through motor traffic creating a nice quietway for walking and cycling.

    However where it meets Percival Road a dropped kerb has not been installed meaning that cycles, pushchairs and wheelchairs have to bump down to cross Percival.

    A couple of dropped kerbs and perhaps a parking restriction would really open this up as a nice cycle quietway.

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  • Missing Advanced Stop Line in Kew

    Created by Tom B // 2 threads

    Previously, there was an Advanced Stop Line on Kew Gardens Road (B353) where it joins Kew Road (A307). The junction was recently resurfaced, which removed the ASL markings, and they have not been replaced. I have attached a Google Streetview photo showing the ASL that was previously present.

    The ASL marking was very useful, as the junction can become gridlocked in rush hour, so that only cycles can take advantage of the green signal from Kew Gardens Road without blocking the junction. Cyclists therefore need the space to be able to safely wait at the front of the queue.

    It would be great if the ASL markings could be restored as soon as possible. If they have been removed for a reason, then I would like to understand what the justification is.

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  • ramp for pedestrian bridge over Manor Rd level crossing.

    Created by MB // 1 thread

    A cycle ramp on the pedestrian bridge over the Manor Rd level crossing would be a great idea. Cyclists could continue their journey by crossing the bridge and ensure they were out of the way of drivers impatient to set off when the barriers rise. If done correctly, ramps would ensure that parents with buggies could also cross the bridge - getting them & their youngsters on their way & out of the pollution generated by the drivers who rarely switch off engines while waiting for the barriers to rise.

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  • Kew Rd Puffin Crossing Proposal

    Created by Paul L // 3 threads

    Richmond Council say
    "a signalised PUFFIN crossing with pedestrian countdown outside number 182 Kew Road (previously outside 180) Footway widening both sides of Kew Road. We have attempted to minimise the impact on the cycle lanes by introducing long tapers and following existing extended footways where possible. The kerb widening is essential to ensure sightlines to the signal heads past the many street trees."
    We suggested cranked supports for the signals to avoid the loss of cycle lanes but they claim TFL disapproval.

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  • A316 Marksbury Avenue crossing

    Created by timlennon // 1 thread

    Text of message from TfL:


    We are proposing to convert the current dual PUFFIN crossing at the above location to a dual TOUCAN crossing, formalising the facility for cyclists.
    The initial design is attached, which includes localised resurfacing of footways and some carriageway works. A lighting assessment has also been undertaken which recommends a full lantern replacement of the columns retaining all lighting columns once structural testing has been completed and passed.

    We also propose to extend the shared use footway further north on Marksbury Avenue and further south on Manor Grove to enable safer entry/exits for cyclists to the TOUCAN crossing.

    The impact (if any) is currently being determined by Traffic Signals.

    If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me have these by cop Friday 27th June.

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  • Craneford Way - Pedestrian and Cycle Access

    Created by timlennon // 1 thread

    Note from correspondent:
    At the moment there is an agreement for non-vehicle access in and out and vehicular egress for the Canons leisure club members via a controlled barrier with responsibility in the hands of The Harlequins Management. This is regularly abused by unauthorised traffic. I want to investigate the feasibility of it being made pedestrian and cycling only, in advance of any building developments which might want to bring it back into full use for vehicle entry and egress, which would have a significant negative impact on the safe use by pedestrians and cyclists.

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  • Provide safe access to the schools in the ward so that children can cycle to them.

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    There are a lot of schools in our ward, and a lot of traffic. Children should be able to cycle to them safely without having to share space with high volume, fast traffic. Schools should all have 20mph zones, with car-free access around the school, and protected routes to arrive there.

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  • Provide a safe, separated route which links Bushy Park with Broad Lane

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Bushy Park is a pleasant place to cycle and provides a number of potential routes for people wanting to get around the area. However, it should be possible to leave the Park at the Holly Road exit and proceed without the current level of potential conflict and threat inherent in the present route. We’d like to see protected space for cycling allowing people to leave the Holly Road exit and get to Broad Lane and the nearby schools - Denmead and Carlisle Infants.

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  • Make Sheen Lane, from Park Gate to Mortlake Railway station, a safe route for cycling to school

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Sheen Lane provides access to a number of schools, yet is a busy route with no space allocated for cycling. It should be safe for children to make their way to the numerous local schools by bicycle, and it would open up access to Richmond Park for visitors who wanted to cycle from Mortlake Station. Measures such as 20mph and traffic calming are needed here, along with re-alignment of parking..

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  • Cycling to School in St Margarets and North Twickenham

    Created by Kate // 1 thread

    There are three schools in this ward (St. Stephens Primary, Orleans Primary, Richmond Upon Thames College) and more just on the edge of the ward boundaries (Chase Bridge, St Mary’s, Ivybridge, Worple Primary, Orleans Secondary) and there is a lot of traffic. Children should be able to cycle to them safely without having to share space with high volume, fast moving traffic. The roads surrounding these schools should all have 20mph zones including larger roads such as St Margarets Road, which is a heavily used link between areas. There should be car-free access around the schools, and protected routes to arrive there. In due course there should be a default 20 mile an hour limit on all residential roads in the borough.

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  • Sheen Lane Traffic Calming

    Created by Ross // 1 thread

    Sheen Lane provides access to a number of schools, yet is a busy route with no space allocated for cycling. It should be safe for children to make their way to the numerous local schools by bicycle, and it would open up access to Richmond Park for visitors who wanted to cycle from Mortlake Station. The junction with the South Circular is especially unpleasant for both cycling and walking, and deeply unwelcoming.

    How to do this: Raised zebra crossing at Vicarage Road, Palmerston Road and E Sheen Library, 20 mph signs to continue park speed limit to Mortlake station, removal of centre lane white lines, toucan crossing at A205 to allow cyclists to cross, with care, at same time as pedestrians, advanced stop boxes at level crossing and A205 junction, wider pavement on East side between York Way and Wayside - should be wide enough for a pushchair, improved signage and right turn access to North/South Worple Way - these are underused ward quiet routes leading to several primary schools and nurseries.
    Sheen Lane is a key route in the ward, cycle volume could increase dramatically with some minor road improvements. Calming and reducing traffic on Sheen Lane would encourage recreational and school commuting cyclists to use this route more frequently. Sheen Lane as a pleasant cycle route would provide quiet cycle link routes to many schools; Tower house, Thomson House, Sheen Mount, Barnes, Ibstock, Mary Magdalens and also link together tens of miles of Thames Path and Richmond Park traffic free routes that could be enjoyed by cyclists from 8 - 80. It would attract more recreational cyclists to get off at Mortlake station and spend money and time on our high street.

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  • Quiet Routes into Central Richmond from Ham

    Created by Kate // 1 thread

    This spot is part of the route that has potential to help people cycling avoid congested unappealing George Street in order to get to Richmond station or other parts of Richmond from the riverside. When you come up Friars Lane from the riverside you reach a junction where the traffic is one way away from central Richmond.

    If you follow the one way system left around the Green you add at least 5 minutes to your journey time. You cannot turn right and take the quicker route because it is one way. You also cannot turn right up King Street to join George Street because that is also one way.
    You also cannot go straight across the path on the Green as this is officially a footpath.

    There is more than one possible solution here: a contraflow for cyclists on the side of the Green nearest to George Street. A cycle path alongside the footpath straight across the Green.

    King Street would also benefit from a contraflow which would open up the options for cyclists - particularly when the riverside route is flooded.

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  • Off-road Route between Ham and Richmond

    Created by Kate // 1 thread

    In order to avoid the muddy and sometimes flooded route along the riverside path it is possible to use a tarmac path across Petersham Field. However, at both ends of the field there are kissing gates which mean that larger bikes, bikes with child seats, cargo bikes, double buggies or larger prams as well as wheelchairs are either unable or struggle to get through the gate. The gates create an unappealing obstruction for "normal" bikes too.

    I have been told by councillors and council officials that the gates are to keep in the cows which graze for half the year in the field. In Cambridge all the cows grazing on common land are kept in using cattle grids. Why can't this solution be used here?

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  • Link Staines Rd - Uxbrige Rd round golf course

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 2 threads

    There is currently a cycle track to the David Lloyd sports centre from the Staines Rd; which turns into a muddy track, blocked at the exit to Uxbridge Road by a difficult and narrow gate.
    Upgrading this short section of path with decent surfacing, streetlighting and removal of obstacles would provide a good link from the cycling facilities on the A316 and the Staines Road onto the schools in Hampton.

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  • Dean Rd - Longford Close bridge

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    The bridge between Dean Rd and Longford Close is currently a pedestrian only bridge, marked no cycling. Coupled with other improvements, provision of a decent facility here that could be used by cyclists with minimal conflict with pedestrians would open up a decent quiet route from the schools in Hampton (Hampton Academy, Hampton Boys, LEH) to the A316 cycle route.

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  • St Margarets Rd / Richmond Rd - no protection for cycling

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    The route from Richmond Bridge to St Margarets is very busy with traffic and offers very little protection for people cycling. LCN 37 attempts to divert you through Rosslyn Road but this is very inconvenient for westbound cyclists since it requires you to cross the main road twice just to enjoy a short section of quiet road. Providing protected space for cycling along this stretch of road would link up Richmond Bridge to the quiet route down Amyand Park Road to Twickenham town centre.

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  • Vine Road (NCN 4)

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    This issue is with the part of National Cycle Route 4 between the junction of Vine Road with Upper Richmond Road to the south and the combined cycle/pedestrian path from Vine Road just north of the northerly level-crossing (over the Hounslow Line) to Barnes Station. This road is narrow, poorly surfaced (potholes, cracks, etc) and heavily trafficked during the rush hours; moreover, the approach to the Upper Richmond Road is pretty steep, meaning that all but strong and expert cyclists have to dismount and cross on foot past the lines of cars going up and down to reach the Toucan crossing of Upper Richmond Road which leads to the dedicated cycle path on the west side of Priory Lane en route to Richmond Park.

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