Review of the Highway Code
Goverment Review of HWC
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Richmond Cycling Campaign:
Created by Pearl // 1 thread
A discussion about the Dept for Transport's new Call for Evidence about changing the law regarding e-scooters and other similar vehicles.
Local Plan for LBRUT is being revised to line up better with Mayor and local policy
sound+fury // 1 thread
A bill is being put forward to sentence any cyclist convicted of dangerous cycling to a 14 year prison term.
Created by Simon Parker // 1 thread
A lack of a clearly defined, well planned cycling network is hindering the growth of cycling in London.
Created by timlennon // 1 thread
Thread for LBRUT consultation on thr Active Travel Strategy
Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 1 thread
London Borough of Hounslow is consulting on proposals to improve cycle facilities between Ivy Bridge and London Road. LBH says:
The council has received funding from Transport for London (TfL) to improve the existing cycle route from Ivy Bridge to London Road. The route forms part of the Hounslow Priority Cycle Network (route 11) as it offers a quiet, cleaner route for cycling to and from Brentford. The proposed improvements aim to create a safer more attractive route for cyclists.
If progressed, these proposals will form part of TfL’s Cycleways network, with the section in the London Borough of Hounslow forming part of a wider cycle route between Twickenham and Brentford. Improvements to the section of the route between Ivy Bridge and Twickenham will be consulted on by The London Borough of Richmond in due course.
Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads
The Royal Park says:
"The Royal Parks is embarking on an exciting and ambitious journey to develop a Movement Strategy that will influence movement and transportation throughout our parks and London.
What is the Movement Strategy?
The Movement Strategy will set a long-term vision for how park visitors will move within, access and subsequently experience the parks.
The strategy will include a comprehensive exploration of all movement and access related issues and opportunities that are relevant to the parks both now and into the foreseeable future.
This will include (but is not limited to) increasing safety for all park users, reducing the impact of vehicle-based traffic and reducing conflict between different modes.
How will it be developed?
To develop the strategy, we will utilise an evidence-based approach to explore all current and future movement opportunities. Input from key stakeholders, including the general public, will be a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.
Engagement Phase One – Now Open.
We are seeking input from key partners including the general public, Transport for London, neighbouring boroughs and all interested parties. This input is a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.This discussion paper sets out the draft aim and principles for our Movement Strategy. These summarise our aspirations and provide the basis for developing a series of bold projects and proposals across all eight parks."
Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 3 threads
Local Implementation Plan released for consultation by London Borough of Hounslow.
a. CS9 is referenced many times in the document (such as p.31 "The implementation of CS9 would create opportunities for new orbital routes into neighbouring residential areas and transport hubs").however it is also sometimes qualified by "if approved" and proposals will have dependencies upon CS9 going ahead.
b. We get a mention on p.31 "Local groups such as the Hounslow Cycling Campaign can provide important knowledge on local demand and suggestions for improvements." Yey!
c. Section 3.1.4 and Appendix D reference Propensity to Cycle tool results for the borough.
d. Section 3.1.5 references cycle routes to Heathrow. While Heathrow airport isn't within Hounslow, it is the largest employer of borough residents. Our guess is that additional funding from TfL and Heathrow will be required to address Heathrow cycle access.
e. Section 3.1.6 references a cycle network for the borough. This is the first time we have seen reference to a "Hounslow Priority Cycle Network" as previously, projects have been disconnected individual projects. CS9 provides the "spine" for this network.
f. There is reference to 2 Liveable Neighbourhoods bids for Feltham and Dukes Meadows. We have heard that "Dukes Meadows" will actually be called "Chiswick South" in the bid. The details of these bids are not within the LIP but we have heard the "Chiswick South" bid has a mixture of public realm improvement, school streets and creation of filtered permeability cells in the Grove Park area of Chiswick.
Created by Matthew // 1 thread
Lots of interesting stuff about inclusive transport regarding trains, buses, cars, public realm, streets and yes a bit about cycling too. Quotes:
Shared Space:
8.11 While we consider CIHT and DPTAC’s recommendations and how to take them
forward, we are requesting that local authorities pause any shared space schemes
incorporating a level surface they are considering, and which are at the design stage.
We are also temporarily suspending Local Transport Note 1/11. This pause will allow
us to carry out research and produce updated guidance.
Objectives regarding Cycling:
• Update Local Transport Note 2/08, which sets out the Department’s guidance to
local authorities on designing safe and inclusive infrastructure for cyclists, to take
account of developments in cycling infrastructure since its publication in 2008 and
the responses to the draft AAP consultation and publish a revised version by early
• By 2020, explore the feasibility of amending legislation to recognise the use of
cycles as a mobility aid71 in order to increase the number of disabled people
Created by timlennon // 1 thread
Changes to make school crossing better.
"Concerns have been raised through the St Mary’s Church of England School Travel Plan regarding the lack of a safe place to cross the road outside of the middle site for the school.
Officers assessed conditions at the end of school time and found that parents and pupils currently cross in random locations and often between parked cars where sightlines are reduced. Concerns were also raised regarding vehicles travelling at inappropriate speeds."
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
From the DfT:
As part of the Transport Investment Strategy, the government committed to creating a Major Road Network (MRN).
This consultation asks for views on:
how to define the MRN
the role that local, regional and national bodies will play in the MRN investment programme
which schemes will be eligible for MRN funding
A new MRN would help deliver the following objectives:
reduce congestion
support economic growth and rebalancing
support housing delivery
support all road users
support the Strategic Road Network
The creation of an MRN will allow for dedicated funding from the National Roads Fund to be used to improve this middle tier of our busiest and most economically important local authority ‘A’ roads.
Created by timlennon // 1 thread
Small changes to this area. A new school will begin construction soon, with 400+ pupils when full.
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread says:
What is the new London Plan?
The London Plan is one of the most important documents for this city.
It's a strategic plan which shapes how London evolves and develops. All planning decisions should follow London Plan policies, and it sets a policy framework for local plans across London.
The current 2016 consolidation Plan is still the adopted Development Plan. However the Draft London Plan is a material consideration in planning decisions. It gains more weight as it moves through the process to adoption, however the weight given to it is a matter for the decision maker.
Consultation on the draft London Plan
Consultation on this plan is open. Comments will be publicly available. After the consultation, comments are reviewed by an inspector and you may be called in to discuss comments at the Examination in Public.
What is an Examination in Public?
At the end of the consultation period your comments will be reviewed by the independent Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out the Examination in Public for the London Plan.
You may be invited to discuss your comments at the Examination in Public. All comments will be made available to the public at the end of the consultation period. The legal provisions for the London Plan are in Part VIII of the Greater London Authority (GLA) Act 1999 (as amended) in sections 334 to 341. The Examination in Public is covered in Section 338.
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
Tfl says:
We have undertaken research that shows that in 2015, Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) were involved in disproportionately high numbers of fatal collisions with cyclists (78 per cent) and pedestrians (20 per cent) on London’s streets, despite only making up four per cent of the overall miles driven in the Capital. The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) forms part of The Mayor, Sadiq Khan and TfL’s Vision Zero approach to reducing road danger. The DVS categorises HGVs on the level of the driver’s direct vision from the cab.
We consulted earlier this year on the principles of a new DVS. Listening to the feedback from this consultation and working closely with industry and stakeholders we have now further developed this scheme. The Consultation report and Responses to Issues Raised document from this first phase of consultation are available to view in from the links at the bottom of this text. The responses showed that, in general, there is support for the principle of a Direct Vision Standard.
We are now seeking your views on proposals to introduce a new Safety Standard Permit Scheme as part of DVS which widens our approach beyond direct vision and includes a safe system approach to allow us to address a broader range of road danger risks.
The proposed scheme would require all HGVs over 12 tonnes to hold a Safety Permit to operate in Greater London from 2020. HGVs will be given a rating between ‘zero-star’ (lowest) and ‘five-star’ (highest). Only those vehicles rated ‘one star’ and above would be allowed to enter of operate in London from 2020. Zero rated vehicles would only be allowed if they can prove compliance through safe system measures. By 2024 only ‘three-star’ rated HGVs and above would automatically be given a Safety Permit. HGVs rated two star and below would need to demonstrate increased safety through progressive safe system measures.
The safe system could include specific industry recognised measures such as sensors, visual warnings and comprehensive driver training. The Safety Standard Permit scheme would evolve over time, taking into account advances in technology.
Detailed information about the scheme and the approach in which we have arrived at our current proposals are set out in the consultation document. A full Integrated Impact Assessment is also included.
The consultation approach
We are undertaking a phased consultation approach at key stages of the development of the consultation proposals to implement the Direct Vision Standard:
Phase 1 (24 January to 18 April 2017) – we set out the case for HGV driver direct vision and consulted on the Mayor of London’s outline proposals to introduce a Direct Vision Standard for HGVs in London and the principles of the Standard itself. The responses showed that, in general, there is support for the principle of a Direct Vision Standard.
Phase 2a – policy consultation (this consultation) – this current phase of consultation seeks views and feedback on the scheme proposals as outlined above and within the supporting consultation document which includes supporting technical reports including the full Integrated Impact Assessment. Feedback from this phase of consultation will be used to develop a second IIA and finalise the scheme proposals to be included in phase 2b of the consultation.
Phase 2b - Final scheme proposals and statutory consultation (Spring/Summer 2018) – this final phase will consult on the final proposals for the HGV Safety Standard Permit Scheme, including statutory consultation on the appropriate regulatory measure to ban or restrict HGVs in London under the scheme, subject to UK Government and European Commission support and notification.
Created by Paul L // 1 thread
Crossing of Hampton Court Rd needs improving.
Shared use of footway to zebra then through Bushy Park.
Shared use of widened footway from HH gate to Uxbridge Rd
Existing pelican crossing convert to toucan
Use of Broad Lane and Oak Ave to link to LB Houslow scheme at Hanworth
Spur to Hampton Station
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
London Assembly says:
Our investigation
Over recent years, TfL policy has increasingly focused on the construction of physical cycling infrastructure on London’s roads. A change in direction towards more segregated infrastructure followed our report in 2012 recommending this approach.
Our investigation will cover the full range of cycling infrastructure in London, with a particular focus on:
Cycle Superhighways: a form of cycle lane, designed to make cycling safer by helping keep cyclists away from general traffic, and offer direct and continuous cycling on major routes.
Quietways: a network of cycle routes that link key destinations, improving safety and convenience through small-scale interventions.
Mini-Hollands: TfL schemes to invest neighbourhood-level improvements in walking and cycling, involving a range of interventions in each area.
Cycle parking: provision of parking spaces on-street, at stations or in dedicated parking facilities.
It is important that TfL is able to establish the effectiveness of the infrastructure it installs on London’s roads. We are concerned that to date there has been no comprehensive study of the new infrastructure’s impact on cycling safety, modal share and other road users.
Questions to answer:
1. What progress on new cycling infrastructure has been made under Sadiq Khan, and what are his long-term plans?
2. Has TfL resolved the problems that delayed some cycling schemes under the previous Mayor?
3. Has segregation delivered the anticipated benefits on the Cycle Superhighways? How many cyclists are using these routes?
4. To what extent has segregation had negative consequences for other road users and, if necessary, how can this be mitigated?
5. Have Quietways delivered their anticipated benefits? How many cyclists are using them?
6. What are the differences in infrastructure between inner and outer London? How can TfL ensure infrastructure in different areas is sufficient and appropriate to the location?
7. How will TfL’s new ‘Strategic Cycling Analysis’ help determine where and how to invest in infrastructure?
8. How appropriate is the 400-metre target set in the draft Transport Strategy? Can we equate proximity with access?
9. Is TfL’s approach to public engagement working effectively to improve scheme designs and meet stakeholder needs?
10. Are Londoners sufficiently aware of the cycling infrastructure available to them, and how can awareness be increased?
11. How is TfL using infrastructure to attract a more diverse range of people to cycle in London?
12. Is there sufficient cycle parking in London, and is it in the right locations?
13. How are the lessons of the Mini-Hollands and other previous cycling schemes being applied elsewhere?
14. Should cycling infrastructure be oriented toward longer-distance commuting journeys, or more localised trips?
Created by timlennon // 1 thread
Local borough response the council's consultation on the Air Quality Action Plan
Created by jon_events // 1 thread
You can see the detailed proposals bit by bit on the link below.
I've roughly mapped out the proposed route. It essentially follows an existing part of the LCN with a few minor tweaks. Sadly no new modal filters appear to be proposed. Sinusoidal humps at the beginning of the route in Wandsworth I fear will do little to deter the speedsters.
Feel free to add your thoughts below.
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
London Assembly says:
Our investigation
What different approaches could TfL and London boroughs take to improve junctions and increase walking and cycling in Outer London?
Small pockets of improvement don’t change the fact that most London streets are dominated by traffic and noise. They are hostile places even to step out into for a pint of milk.
On behalf of the London Assembly Transport Committee, Caroline Russell AM is investigating how our streets and junctions can become more people-friendly.
Get involved
There are a number of specific questions the Committee is seeking to answer. Please address any questions where you have relevant views and information to share, and feel free to cover any other issues you would like the Committee to consider.
Are there lessons to be learned from previous junction improvements?
How can we enable more people to walk and cycle?
How can we make our streets and junctions less hostile to people getting around by bike and on foot?
How do you get all road users on board?
Please email by August 11 and share the investigation on Twitter using #OuterLondonJunctions
Key Facts
The Mayor and TfL are promoting walking and cycling as a form of active travel and a way to reduce health inequalities - however, currently, over 40 percent of Londoners fall short of the recommended 150 minutes of activity per week.
TfL research has found that people who live in Outer London tend to walk less than those who live in Inner London. Public transport coverage is lower and car ownership is higher in Outer London, with cars making up a larger share of journeys. In particular, people who live in Outer London are less likely to walk children to school, walk to see friends or relatives, and walk to pubs, restaurants and cinemas.
In 2015:
53 percent of Inner Londoners walked at least five journeys a week, compared to 35 percent of Outer Londoners
47 percent of Inner Londoners walked as part of longer journeys on other forms of transport at least five times a week, compared to 41 percent of Outer Londoners
Created by Simon here // 2 threads
Complete separation of cyclists and cars can't always be achieved. To make sharing of the road safer I would like to propose using rumble strips instead of flat paint to separate the bike lane from the rest of the road. It would act as a physical reminder for car-drivers that they are encroaching the bike lane. This happens particularly near pinch points like road bends or crossroads. So even just a selective application of rumble strips could have a very positive effect, I believe. What's the view of the cycling community? Has it been tested?
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
Draft Mayor's Transport Strategy 2017
On June 21 Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, published a draft of the Mayor's Transport Strategy. The document sets out the Mayor’s policies and proposals to reshape transport in London over the next 25 years.
About the strategy
Transport has the potential to shape London, from the streets Londoners live, work and spend time on, to the Tube, rail and bus services they use every day.
By using the Healthy Streets Approach to prioritise human health and experience in planning the city, the Mayor wants to change London’s transport mix so the city works better for everyone.
Three key themes are at the heart of the strategy.
1. Healthy Streets and healthy people
Creating streets and street networks that encourage walking, cycling and public transport use will reduce car dependency and the health problems it creates.
2. A good public transport experience
Public transport is the most efficient way for people to travel over distances that are too long to walk or cycle, and a shift from private car to public transport could dramatically reduce the number of vehicles on London’s streets.
3. New homes and jobs
More people than ever want to live and work in London. Planning the city around walking, cycling and public transport use will unlock growth in new areas and ensure that London grows in a way that benefits everyone.
Created by Jon G // 0 threads
A cycle contra-flow along Kingsway would enable cyclists to get from Lower Richmond Rd to Tangier Rd (cycle route towards Richmond) without having to pass though Chalkers Corner.
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
Richmond Council says:
"As part of the development works which have been undertaken in the area, the Council has secured funding to improve the footway and carriageway in the immediate vicinity of Star & Garter Hill / Richmond Gate. The improvements works are planned to take place in July and will include: resurfacing the footway and carriageway, upgrading the existing traffic islands / refuges, implementing a new footway that joins up to Richmond Park, and general improvements to the signage and street furniture. As part of this works, there will also be the introduction of a drop off / collection bay outside the Royal Star & Garter development."
No apparent cycling improvements.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by timlennon // 1 thread
No entrance to the school is accessible by bicycle for children, unless they cycle on the pavement. Even when they do, there are busy roads to be crossed with poor sightlines, or simply conflict with pedestrians.
Created by Jon G // 1 thread
The road outside the Barmy Arms pub, Twickenham Embankment, used to be closed to motor traffic by a single line of posts with cycle logos painted on the road between two of these, clearly showing there is a cycle route there.
Recently this has been replaced with two lines of posts about 3m apart and there are no cycle route markers. This is leading pedestrians to reasonably assume that the area between the posts is for pedestrians only and to stand there in groups with drinks from the pub, creating conflicts with cyclists trying to ride through the area. The existence of the cycle route should once again be indicated by signs or painted cycle symbols.
Created by Paul James // 0 threads
The tucan crossing is out of phase with the lights at Church Road meaning that traffic coming along the A316 into Kew Rd is not held at the tucan but is then stopped at Church Rd so that cyclists and pedestrians have to wait for traffic to enter Kew Rd.
Re-phase the lights so that the tucan crossing is red for the roadway at the same time that it is red for the lights at Church Rd, so that there is a single green phase along the cycleway across the end of Kew Rd.
Created by Paul James // 0 threads
The carpark entrance cuts across the cycleway and has shallow corner radii encouraging fast entrance and exit speeds which are a danger to cyclists using the cycleway.
The cycleway should be curved away from the roadway at the junction and a marked crossing put in place a cars length from the roadway allowing space for entering and exiting cars to giveway to cyclists moving along the cycleway.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 2 threads
There is currently a cycle track to the David Lloyd sports centre from the Staines Rd; which turns into a muddy track, blocked at the exit to Uxbridge Road by a difficult and narrow gate.
Upgrading this short section of path with decent surfacing, streetlighting and removal of obstacles would provide a good link from the cycling facilities on the A316 and the Staines Road onto the schools in Hampton.
Created by Simon here // 2 threads
Complete separation of cyclists and cars can't always be achieved. To make sharing of the road safer I would like to propose using rumble strips instead of flat paint to separate the bike lane from the rest of the road. It would act as a physical reminder for car-drivers that they are encroaching the bike lane. This happens particularly near pinch points like road bends or crossroads. So even just a selective application of rumble strips could have a very positive effect, I believe. What's the view of the cycling community? Has it been tested?
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
The towpath from Richmond to Teddington lock is currently unappealing and dangerous. These photos were taken in May and the path is a lot worse after in winter or after a spring tide.
It is sufficient for people on mountain bikes who do not mind getting muddy, but not easy for children, older people, less confident cyclists, pedestrians with buggies, cyclists on cargo bikes etc to navigate - basically all the vulnerable road users who would most benefit from avoiding the busy, fast moving traffic on the narrow winding Petersham Road.
I take this route to work and I have to plan for the fact that I will get covered in mud every morning, and take it very slowly because it is so bumpy. I have seen pedestrians and those with child buggies climbing over the flood wall and walking on the grass on Petersham field in order to avoid this path. When I have my child in the bike seat I get off and walk the section between Ham House and River Lane that is pictured as I don't feel safe.
With a bit of thought this path has the potential to be an excellent car-free cycling and walking route that would tempt people out of their traffic jammed cars on Petersham Road.
See also the discussion at
Created by Paul L // 0 threads
The demand for cycle parking exceeds the supply in this important shopping area.
Created by Dan // 1 thread
Traffic lights will not change for cyclists when on the sensor (at night).
Created by Kate // 1 thread
This spot is part of the route that has potential to help people cycling avoid congested unappealing George Street in order to get to Richmond station or other parts of Richmond from the riverside. When you come up Friars Lane from the riverside you reach a junction where the traffic is one way away from central Richmond.
If you follow the one way system left around the Green you add at least 5 minutes to your journey time. You cannot turn right and take the quicker route because it is one way. You also cannot turn right up King Street to join George Street because that is also one way.
You also cannot go straight across the path on the Green as this is officially a footpath.
There is more than one possible solution here: a contraflow for cyclists on the side of the Green nearest to George Street. A cycle path alongside the footpath straight across the Green.
King Street would also benefit from a contraflow which would open up the options for cyclists - particularly when the riverside route is flooded.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
It would be useful to provide a route from east side of Kew Gardens station; via Burlington Avenue; along Mortlake Road and up the service road alongside the district line to the Thames Path. The service road is already closed to traffic; but cycling is obstructed by a large ugly concrete barrier (see photo). There is room on the north side of Mortlake Road for a short section of dedicated cycling space to link to the junction with Burlington Ave - see The crossing could be problematic.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
This short section of The Vineyard is one way street. Opening this up to 2 way for cyclists - through signage and a 20mph limit - would improve permeability for cyclists in Richmond centre.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
There is room on this pavement for a properly segregated cyclepath that would feed up to Christ's school and continue up as a quiet route up to near the top of Richmond Hill as an alternative to the busy and unpleasant Queen's Road.
Created by Tom B // 2 threads
Previously, there was an Advanced Stop Line on Kew Gardens Road (B353) where it joins Kew Road (A307). The junction was recently resurfaced, which removed the ASL markings, and they have not been replaced. I have attached a Google Streetview photo showing the ASL that was previously present.
The ASL marking was very useful, as the junction can become gridlocked in rush hour, so that only cycles can take advantage of the green signal from Kew Gardens Road without blocking the junction. Cyclists therefore need the space to be able to safely wait at the front of the queue.
It would be great if the ASL markings could be restored as soon as possible. If they have been removed for a reason, then I would like to understand what the justification is.
Created by George Coulouris // 7 threads
This issue is intended to act a repository for material that can be used to back-up the LCC's 2014 Local Election Campaign 'Asks'. There are 6 'asks' that were finalised and agreed at the LCC's AGM on 19 October 2013:
1. Safe routes to schools
2. Areas without through motor traffic (AWTTs)
3. Protected space on main roads/major junctions
4. Safe cycle routes via parks and canals (Greenways)
5. 20mph speed limits
6. Liveable town centres
so we'll have 6 threads under this Cyclescape issue where we can collect explanations, discussions and most importantly concrete illustrations of what is meant by each ask.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
Southbound cyclelane ends abruptly in row of parked cars forcing cyclists out into often fast moving traffic whilst trying to climb a hill.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
This stretch of Grove Road is pedestrianised. Formally opening this up to cyclists - and marking it so - would help establish a quiet cycle route all the way up/down Richmond Hill as an alternative to the busy Queens Road
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
Create a shared use path (or even better a dedicated cycle track) from the junction of Woodlands Road / Vine Road to Barnes Railway station - this would join LCN37 and providing a quiet route to Barnes Railway station for many residents of Sheen / Mortlake, avoiding the busy A205. This route is currently a footpath.
Created by Paul James // 1 thread
The exit from the car park crosses the shared use path and is blind from the drivers POV if they stop at the give way markings. This means that drivers will move blindly across the shared use path without being able to see cycles moving along the path.
The solution is to close the gate to motor traffic.
The carpark is accessible from both the driveway to Pools on the Park and from Kew Foot Road and the entrance from Pools on the Park would appear adequate to act as both an entrance and an exit.
Created by Paul L // 1 thread
This path is included in the Richmond Cycle Map and leads to a toucan and is a useful link from Hampton to the quietish Lower Hampton Rd towards Sunbury but is marked "No Cycling".
There is little pedestrian traffic but ideally it could be made wider.
Created by MB // 1 thread
TFL are thinkingof closing this 'rat run' to motor vehicles & have put out a consultation here:
They are keeping it open to cyclists - but are proposing (I think) an awkward right- angled turn for cyclists to get in & out of the cul-de-sac. Can we suggest a better layout?
Consultation closes on May 10th 2013
Created by MB // 1 thread
There is a useful but unmarked path from Queen's Road to Richmond Park and through to Sheen. It is used by pedestrians and cyclists & I have never seen it on any map! From Lower Grove Road, it takes you to the park via Bog Gate, or Sheen via Sheen Common.
If it were better marked on maps, better maintained & wider in places, it could form a useful section of Richmond's (paved, segregated, Dutch style?) cycling network.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
This is the approach to Kew Gardens station and is an area with many shops and cafe’s. Enabling this street to become 2-way for cycling will make access to the station and shops more convenient for cyclists and should therefore bring economic benefits to the area. Streetview:
Created by Paul L // 0 threads
longer than Kew Rd and any traffic can be obstructive in narrow roads.
Toucan crossings of A316, Kew Road and Mortlake Rd.
Is rat running a problem ?